The white girls are insane. If you've ever watched Sex Rehab, you've seen Kendra & Kari Ann. My real life white girl friends are Kendra and Kari Ann. It's really sad. They are addicts. Kendra's at my house right now. This shit is insane. I really don't know how to explain these girls.
Kendra is an attention whore. I'm not really one to talk but she annoys me. She's a good kid whose easily influenced by t.v & bad kids. Sidebar: College is the best thing that ever happened to me. Back to business, Kendra has no purpose. If she died today her obituary would say.. the daughter of, high school graduate, will be missed. She's never accomplished anything ever. She's one of the smartest people I've ever ever met yet she does nothing. I haven't had a normal conversation since we were 17. Every conversation we have is a therapy session. She tells me her problems, I give her solutions, hence my idea to become an addictions counselor. She's been dealing with the same problems for years. Almost 6 years. My mom never hugged me either but I don't use coke. It's insane to me really. It's all excuses in my eyes. I rarely have pity. You watch something like Precious and you say that girl has every excuse not to succeed or to become a product of her enviroment. But Kendra... She grew up in a good home with parents who loved her & all her problems stem from her mom not being affectionate... GTF. Eventually you realize that everyone doesn't love the same way. That doesn't mean they don't love you it just means they don't show it like everyone else...
Then there's Kari Ann...