More often than not a lot of relationship problems come stem from when; A. Someone feels too smothered B. Someone Feels too neglected or both.
Women who feel neglected will give you time to get your shit together, drop hints to you, or even tell you she feels unimportant or that you dont care about time with her. After she feel like shes done enough to Alarm you she will get the attention she feels she deserves even if it comes from somewhere else. She may have even been ignoring attention from someone who was much more deserving of her time than you.
Women Who feel like you are overbearing will turn to a man who doesnt show them as much attention or who doesnt have a need to have them around constantly. Lets face it sometimes less is more. And as fucked up as it seems women want what they want when they want it, so you just have to find a happy medium on how to give just enough of yourself without Giving too much.
I guess the biggest thing is that you need to pay attention to hints she drops or just little things that a woman may tell you. She will tell you what she wants in order for you to be successful with her if you only pay attention. Im not saying I have a damn Masterkey to all womankind, because NO Woman is the same. The worst thing you can do is thinking you can treat a woman this way or that she will like this because another did. Every woman is a different pokerhand, play the hand according to what you see on the table and place your bets accordingly.
Men on the other hand when faced with the same are more quickly to say fuck it and roll out.
Not enough time for him, a man will assume you are giving it to someone else and probably look eslewhere from jump.
Too Much time on your hands and always want to be clingy then he will find someone less needy. Men have far less patience than women.
The human nature is all fucked up, and its natural to be selfish. The key is recognizing your selfish ways and either change them or finding a Happy medium when you find the person you want to be with. Nothing is more powerful than communication. When you are fucking with someone you should never lose communication on common goals or on what you expect of each other.