There are 2 worlds sex lies in. I live somewhere between Jenna & Jesus.
The Jenna thought process is that sex is natural and a part of life. In the Jenna world sex is had, adored & something to be happy about. Being a fan of Jenna [Jameson], I know that she grew up in Vegas where nudity & sexuality were never taboo. Her mother was a showgirl. She is of the breed of people who believe that God gave us everything as a form of expression. My biggest peeve with the Jenna thought process is that the consequences of sex [STDs, emotional distress, & pregnancy]are never stressed in this world.
The Jesus or more conservative idea of sex is that sex is dirty, taboo & should be hidden at all cost. In the "Jesus world" people have sex but cover it as if its something to be ashamed of. Newsflash ya mama had sex *sorry*! The conservatives have decided that all things sexual are wrong & dirty yet how many pastors are involved in sex scandals, how many conservative politicians have sex scandals & how many people who tell you how to live really practice what they preach. I hate how people use religion as a means to judge & not love. People who "find Jesus" [because nobody walks with him forever] condemn the actions they one took part in. But God gave you those organs to use, but NOT abuse.
Which leads me to Supahead... I think that Ms. Jenna has always been comfortable with sex, when it comes to Ms. Supahead I think she used sex to fill a void that only love, a higher power & self love could fill. Women like Supahead need love & validation, they seek it through sex I think that's wrong. I think people should find love in themselves.
My personal view on sex is that it's good. I like it. I know that sex before marriage is a sin yet I lie daily. I take shortcuts to get alot of things done bka misleading bka lying. I sin daily consciously & subconsciously. I'm not trying to justify my actions. I'm merely pointing out that there is no greater sin. However I don't believe that sex can fill any voids. I think America in general is a country of emotional vices par example emotional eating, emotional shopping & emotional cutting, just to name a few. If you truly love someone & they love you [or you think they do] do you boo! As long as 2 consenting adults are involved it's not my business that's first & it's their life to live.

P.S. These are my opinions... I don't care if you like them!