There's this game I play with myself before making major decisions about my life. I say how will this effect your obituary? My obituary is like one of the most important things to me... Why? It's the last message you send to the world. When my great great great grandkids wanna know who I was or what I did they can google my obituary. My personal mission is to do something that impacts someone who is not in my family or my friend. Last night when I watched the Blind Side, I thought Leanne Toughy may never be remembered for being a great mother to her own children but she will be remembered for having a loving heart & accepting someone into her life that she had no reason to.
That's amazing. That's what life should be about, not your car or your house but about uplifting and inspiring. I lose sight of what's important but everytime I fall off course I realize it. Who do you really wanna be? Is there a defintion for you? Are you defined by your car & your clothes? Who are you really?
The challenge is to define yourself without material things... it's hard but try it. And you hate the defintion it's not too late to rewrite it!
Dude are you serious?
Black women hate the Kardashians like they stole something from them... I laugh. Seriously, they're pretty most of the women who dislike them aren't. Those are the facts.. I'm sorry if you hoes don't realize that by all standards of beauty YOU are the weakest link good bye. I feel so sorry for some women. What's on the outside is the only thing that will make most people try to understand the inside. Stop wasting money on designer labels and go buy a face, you look like shit. I'm so mean oh well...
Its all about:
bitch u dumb,
short n sweet
Gone in 60 seconds

If we are not in a relationship, and you have no potential what-so-ever to be a boo, then how dare you have the audacity to visit me While you are in the Redzone. Your period means you dont see me period. I dont like rare steak, and I dont even wanna have to find out you are on you period by you rejecting me by saying something like. "The Subway is out of commission," or "My building is under construction."
Do Not I repeat do Not attempt a Chill session....well Unless You are like her......
Uh Uh Boy dont touch that, Im on my period...but i got you boi. She lifts my shirt, and proceeds to grab the waistband of my shorts and proceeds to lick my chest and stomach. She is one of them never expect it Bourgeois ass chicks so Im thinking( If this heaux do all this shit and stop without suckin my dick then yall gone see ya boy on a case of True TV CSI, cause imma kill her) She teases by lickin round that pelvis area (about to get her ass snuck on default because she is tickling the shit out of me. But she proceeds to grab it licks her way around it and to the tip.
I didnt know that heaven was in the back of someones throat..Got my damn legs shakin causin an earthquake in the room. Never felt mouth like this b4...Im caught off guard and shit...WTF i cant even stop that im about to bust...Its not too many who can make a nigga bust from head cause my dick weird like that, but it usually takes at least 30 min. She accomplished this in less than a minute. It came so fast I couldnt warn her. Bow so it came, ( so im waiting to see her reaction, she gave me lil glare but not anger. She's a spitter by the way.(I think i Shed a fukkin tear or two..She's a cool chick but you cant be selfish and wife someone like her. You have to let this gift be free so the world may experience it.
Ok ladies once you use that RedCard... a nigga gonna remember cycle dates...lmao
and tip: if u dont want a nigga to let go in ya mouth... make this note b4 it begins because we have no way of knowing and we dont wanna find out he hard way what ur reaction will be. That is all.
U should NOT feel special
- Where have all the cowboys gone??
- My thoughts refuse to make sense
- I don't feel the need to impress people, I would like them to know the facts
- These lil white kids on Xanga love Lil Wayne it's scary
- I don't understand why Tiger cheating is such a big deal
- Why do women try so hard to prove they're not whores?
- I loves the penis.. haven't had as many as you'd think
- I'm a bag lady I keep the same 1s in rotation for years LOL
- The band Garbage rocks my socks
- Cults freak me the f-ck out
- Mind control is cool but learning about it scares me
- Next year the FBI is releasing all the files on the JFK assassination
- Too bad everyones dead so no one can go to jail
- They should release the FBI records for Martin Luther King Jr. & Malcom X
- MLK's real killers were never brought to justice
- If I ever met a black person who was in a cult I'd beat their ass
- C.S.I has this episode on people who believe this man is 4,000 years old
- I've seen forensic shows on real life con men who make women believe the most random shit
- Some women want to be in love so bad they'll believe anything
- P.N.C - Move Around ((song has me thinking way harder than a bounce song should))
- Dick Cheney is a bitch... never gave interviews in the last 8 years yet ALWAYS comments after Obama says something...
- Pookie hates Hov... Hov is a love/hate kinda guy
- One of my former homegirls had a crush on Hov, I never told him
- I always wanna say "And this another hit Barry Bonds"
- I find this man attractive but he doesn't know I exist... I will not chase
- Toni & I are on the same frequency about alotta shit
- When it rains hard... I think about Noddle saying it's baby making weather minus the baby
- I get really mad when women I think are pretty get d-ck dumb about guys I think are weak
- Pants are for men & lesbians I hate pants; but everybody says I look good in jeans
- I don't think homosexuality can be cured
- No one can explain the intersexual or hermaphrodites?
- I don't lie about much but most chicks lie about everything
- I've been tempted to get at a dude just because he's famous.. I'm horrible
- He was also fine as f-ck
- I love big men.. dare I say fetish
- Lust is much better than sex
- I loove longing for someone its so intense
- When people find out I don't smoke weed they seem offended.
- We have nothing in common... but we like each other..
Its all about:
Its just a Title, Whats the Big Deal?
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Just Do It
I'm tired of simply being unhappy. I am changing it. I'm so excited. I can't control people, I can't make anyone like me or love me. I can't force people to see things my way or have my kinda fun but I CAN be happy. It's so beautiful. Happiness is a choice. People don't believe that because they don't want to do the work it takes to be happy. Wake up and smile. Stop trying to see the wrong in everything. By no means TRUST no one. Trust is earned not given that's why you might not be happy giving people things they don't deserve never makes life happy.
It's almost 2010 and since the first day of 2009 I said "If it won't make me happy I can't do it" I'm moving & I know everything is gonna be great... & WHY?? Jesus promised he'd take care of me!
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