

No fear!

Life was meant to be lived right? So why aren't we living? The number 1 answer to that is fear. The amazing thing about fear is most times people are afraid to ask for something that belongs to them. NOT even in the spiritual sense but it does apply there too. For example, my friend "borrowed" my overnight bag 3 years, I want that bitch back but I feel wrong asking... She didn't feel wrong for keeping it for 3 years BUT I feel wrong asking! It's MINE, I bought it, but for some strange reason, I'm afraid to ask for what's mine.

Why is it that when you let someone borrow something they act as if you're an asshole for wanting it back?? LOL! With me it goes farther and gets worse. I fear inconveniencing others. If it's someones job to clean something I'm still not going to leave it super dirty. That's just wrong. This week for example, I had to turn in my tax documents to school like 10 times, every day when I called I said "Is there anything else I need to do?" they always said no. NOW everyday I had to do something else BUT I was afraid that if I took steps before them something would go wrong... I was wrong. Every thing would have been perfect if I just did it!

How many times in life should I have just done it? Being afraid to make mistakes or just being afraid to be great. Once I talked myself out of going to class because I was afraid to give a speech... ME! I was all of a sudden afraid to speak in front of people (sense the sarcasm). My fears of failing and succeeding are almost always equal. And I ask myself, I say "Self what are you gonna do, if you don't fail or succeed you exist" then self replies with some rude comment about how I talk to myself too much. HA!


Dangerous Waters

What the hell pushes someone off the deepnend so bad that they dont care or cant recognize that they are making someone uncomfortable. How do you recognize in yourself that you are slowly drifting from the reality of whatever situation you are dealing with? At some point you have to be responsible for your actions and how approach things and people in your life. There are different levels of making your intentions with people being known... Cordial, mutual, persistent, thirsty, & psycho. This shit here from a female is never hot. For one everyone isnt going to be for everyone & u should learn to take L's and move on gracefully. I would be ashamed to have a smartphone and have to go back and look at this conversation.


Love> Lust> Like (a randumb of stuff)

I get graphics for the blog like everyday & I never use them so I'm making a love/lust/like list of some of the pictures I don't get to use!!!
Playboy!! I lust//love all things playboy I think it's risque and sexy but not over the top whore shit.


Destination: Unknown

Where are you going??

"On the road of life there are passengers and there are drivers" - some car commercial

Turning 25 for me is pretty big. I change bubbles, you know on forms when they ask you what age group you fit into, I am no longer comfortably seated between 18-24. I can't make the same mistakes, I honestly don't want to. "The decisions you make right now will be the ones that matter". That's all I keep hearing from everyone. And while I've delayed the growing up process tremendously I've also taken on some things that "grown" people wouldn't.