

Destination: Unknown

Where are you going??

"On the road of life there are passengers and there are drivers" - some car commercial

Turning 25 for me is pretty big. I change bubbles, you know on forms when they ask you what age group you fit into, I am no longer comfortably seated between 18-24. I can't make the same mistakes, I honestly don't want to. "The decisions you make right now will be the ones that matter". That's all I keep hearing from everyone. And while I've delayed the growing up process tremendously I've also taken on some things that "grown" people wouldn't.

Being flawed is a part of being human. Eventually flaws shape character etc... Being the absolute best version of myself has been my personal goal for a very long time. Living up to it?? I don't think I have. Patience for example, I can wait when it's convenient to wait. Change is a process that requires no talk and all action. I haven't laid out a plan it's not necessary. GET BETTER! That's all I can/will do. I'm excited.

Enough about me. What are you doing? Are you changing bubbles? Have you decided which direction is right? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? How often does anyone reflect on that? I can't give you advice or tell you where to go or what to do. BUT I can tell you that everything is a dream, and the fruition of it is a personal choice.

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