Its raining....Savage Sensual Sex...I want some....Lickin,slurpin, suckin, fuckin, touchin, rubbin. Shower, floor, bed, table, bent over in front of the bathroom mirror... heavy breathin on your neck. Eagles grip upon your ass. Kidnapping your soul from your body with your Vagina as the doorway. My Tongue as the kidnapper. If im caught fuck it ill take my charge. Give me Life imprisonment in your arms. Ill suck your lips and exchange hot stares with u till we cant anymore!
So we sleep to recharge, but i promise you if you graze me with your ass again ill be wide awake again. Ill get the sweet scent of your pussy and track it as if my life depends upon it. Im hungry and havent eaten you in an hour or so...I approach my prey as you lay there sleeping...Some would call it sneaking. But you dont put up any fight as you discover your kitty's impending doom. (lol impending doom) I'll dine thirstily upon you as if its my last meal. You let me know how u feel as the life leaves your body in the form of sex fluids. I dare not waste this thick drink.. Who knows when ill reach water again. So I slurp away as you release my hair i know youre done coming when ur legs release their death grip. Kisses around your thighs, stomach, just under your breast. I leave neither of them feeling neglected as i twirl both nipples with tongue. under your chin, your jawline, your cheeks, your lips. I taste them all....Dick hard from the time i woke up..you grab it.. you want it.. you got it...lets get it
Im a recovering freak but the very sight of you gives me relapses. I cant help but feel that spending an eternity with you rolling exchanging beads of sweat is anything but less than Heaven