

Death of Love Songs... Moment of Silence

Listening to my Maxwell mix on Pandora, I understand why my mother feels modern music is inadequate. In the course of a modern r&b song, we lock eyes, exchange names and have sex. Maybe theres no song that says it exactly like that but there isn't a need to wait. Nothing is passionate anymore. Listening to Luther Vandross takes you to a distinct place, you can hold it, smell it and taste it. It's not a club, no one can see you, your cool falls off and you are truly vulnerable. There's only one person on your mind there's only one person you can share that moment with... it's passion.

Second thought: The internet ruined everything: music, fore play, reality. Instant gratification is the worst thing anyone can have and the internet helps us all the perpetuate the idea that if we can't find it now we shouldn't have it. I miss quality. I love songs that I can sing in front of anyone. That's good music....


Dat white girl

Christina Aguleria to be exact. Toni text me today that everyone she knows is on coke [white kids]. I know a bunch of people on coke one of my blog girls is on coke. I think drugs are bad but everybody smokes weed. So I guess I'm retarded. People that I'd never think did drugs or even drank alot smoke weed. Weed is the new beer and I'm completely out of the loop on this one. I don't have a problem with weed it's just not me.
This morning I'm talking to someone about coke usage and they say yeah alot of my doctor friends did it in med school it's the drug of choice for elitist assholes. I guess I've been niave and assumed the only people on drugs were experiementing [college/high school] or full blown rock heads.

Speaking of rock heads... poor Maia Campbell is all over everybodys blog strung out. It shouldn't be this way. She used to be gorgeous. Drugs are bad!


daUgly Truth

"I don't allow anyone to make decisions for me [she enjoys being a jackass] or tell me what I should do I like to learn from my own mistakes [only a dumbass would say that] but I don't feel dat he is a mistake bc he's not doing anything wrong [I'm so desperate I gotta keep him even though God keeps telling me he's wrong] so thanks but no thanks ima be ok...." - spoken like a true jackass *sorry I had to steal the quote*

I can't handle the truth... most women can't. I want it I crave it, but when I get it I hate it. I've decided to take 3 steps in assessing the truth. I think that'll make the pill easier to swallow.

  1. Would you say that to someone?
  2. Is it the truth?
  3. Are you hurt by it?

As ugly and painful as it maybe the truth is necessary. Women who lie to themselves bother me. Toni's wack ass talking about how she wanna be monogamous because they have a connection... I'm just gonna keep all those curse words to myself
My 18 year old cousin swears she's grown, I wanna slap her. She tells me things like she wants to learn for herself and that if a guy is a mistake she'd rather find out for herself. The quote says "wise people learn from others mistakes" NOT experience. The people who give the best advice have been through the most bull shit. Allow me to re-introduce myself "Queen of Bullshit". If it's too good to be true it's probably false. I know the game and how it goes but once I start playing I forget somethings. But believing any 20 something man is 100% monogamous while not having his shit together is foolish. He ain't got shit going for him but he can commit.... doubt it.

The truth is meant to be used not abused... say what you mean and mean what you so...

P.S. I really hope you aren't upset with me about stealing that quote.



The blog now has a twitter where I will say random things that may turn into blogs who knows follow or die LOL not really

I don't like that either

If Lil Wayne wasn't a rapper and he was a regular coke snorting dude, women wouldn't want him.
I've spoken to several women about the type of guys they go for and I find it hilarious. Some girls maybe most like men who have the potential to be wealthy when I say wealthy I mean over 150g's a year. Then there are the always in the club girls, who LOVE always in the club guys but most of those guys are broke and goal-less. [Dating "popular guys" went out with letterman jackets] When I say broke I mean these men are mentally prepared to live life making less than 150gs per year. Men without goals disturb me. Par example "Where do you wanna be in 10 years"; "I just wan have money and I'mma do whatever it takes to get it."

Making money is not a goal it's the end result, you can make money working at McDonalds. Men who say they just wanna make money wind up doing anything for money and people who will do anything... are nasty or dirty or illegal. I don't knock men with outlandish dreams, if they're on a path to make those outlandish dreams come true. I just find it disturbing that men constantly want to project an image of having it all while living with their mothers.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe some women don't know what they want out of live so being attracted to men with no clue is a good. I just wonder


Kimber Stories

Kimber & I are way too close. I don't think you should tell anyone as much as we tell each other. Kimber's engaged... That's a joke *I told her that to her face*

Last week she calls and says she wants to "hang out" with a guy who is not her fiance... I told her she couldn't. She feeds me some ol he's just a friend but he's so fine bull shit. I tell her again that she can not go hang out with this guy. She told me she called to vent not to get advice. [lol]

She went. She said she'd call me while she was there so she wouldn't be "tempted". She didn't call. I text her... 10 minutes later she calls me...

His ex girlfriend showed up

One day, one sweet day ladies will learn when I say don't do itm don't do it. Short version, they were playing twister [4 play], the ex starts banging on the door and screaming dude tells her to be quiet and not move until the ex leaves... eventually the ex gets tired of knocking on the door & leaves... I hope K learned her lesson but I doubt it.

She was totally neat...

The other day I was reading blogs as I do quite often and I came across this post on about the hair down there.... this is a pretty big block quote but I needed it all:

"in my club you will find a serious variety of all kinds of bikini lines. some girls in the club DONT shave because they dont like the maintenance of it, or the risk of bumbs or ingrown hairs. then there are the girls who prefer to look like a 5 year old and completely shave everything off, judgement. and then you have gals like myself who line it up all nice like, with just enough hair to cover my pride..hehe. i cant stand the way a bald pussy looks."

I was so hurt. I've had several candid conversations about grooming the cupcake & I think my way is the best way. Kimber dated a guy who liked afros and he also didn't want her to shave her legs dude had issues. I think all that hair is unhealthy, you don't know what's in that bush. Reading what Brooke wrote really made me think... I'm 4'8, I sound like a chipmunk & I'm totally neat... am I some guys sick child porn fetish?? :-/ I feel strange about it now... should I be covering my pride?

The blurred lines of communication

Why do women feel attached to men they don't talk to?? Most guys don't like to talk on the phone. They'd rather text, im, email, or see you in person. Seeing you in person being the last thing. We [women] accept all day texting as a conversation, but how many people were you texting while you were texting him? You can "build" a relationship with anyone via text. So a guy text you every day for 3 months, you have 7 in person convos, maybe 5 phone calls, & possibly a date and thats reason to have sex?? You waited 3 months... when I put it like that you think harder right? I can't lie I've fallen into "the trap" I've grown attached to someone for no solid reason, text conversations are always interesting because you aren't being forced to be creative, most conversations are shallow and redundant. When someone calls you or is qwith you in person they have to devote most if not alll of their attention to you. Texting or typing anything requires so little effort we can do it without looking. The most dangerous thing a woman can do is start talking to a guy when she's not talking to any potential boo candidates. That opens the flood gates. The any man is better than no man theory comes into play and we automatically settle for texting. Just a thought...