I always catch myself. I went "out" this Friday & I spent most of my time in the club by my damn self. I don't fit in everywhere. Don't even try really. From the minute I walked in I realized "I'm not one of them". I don't know who they are. I don't know what they do. I just know I'm not them. I don't dance unless I'm joking. I don't take myself seriously because it's a fucking club not a senate meeting. My black friend girls aren't a squad. I've never really belonged to a group of (black) girls. Unless 8th grade which to most sane people it doesn't.
My conclusion is I go for quality. I have really strong relationships with people who don't hang out together unless I make them and that's so cool. Sometimes I wish I could fit in but I didn't grow up like them. Oh well... I'm not trying to be "down". I'd much rather be strange little me who sits alone. I just can't pretend.