Sometimes I wanna...
How old are we?
I decided to re-post this because its real. I don't take advice from girls my age all they know is what I know. I talk to grown women and grown women say men don't mature until their mid 30s. Why are people rushing? I need at least $100,000 saved before I talk about marriage!
I've had this conversation a few different ways over the last week. And it always ends the same way I'm 23 not 43. I talk to my mother about the real shit in life no one wants to tell you. And she told me that the more I get to know myself the less I'll like other people. It's true. She also said I won't know myself until I'm 40. DAMN! I can't lie somedays I'm in a big rush to be boo'd up. Not because it honestly appeals to me but because everyone else has a kid or a boyfriend... I don't even have a puppy. Then I remember I never bought my own house/car/television. I play grown with Gail's money. I don't wanna leave my mama to go to a man I gotta be independent for at least a year. Which brings me to....
Men: Career, success, bragging rights, a relationship
Women: A man, The rights to talk about him 24/7, the "lifestyle", career, success
The best block quote ever:
There's more to life than having a boyfriend or bitching about a boo. If
women put half of that energy into being successful Lil Wayne would never get
laid and Sheree would have her own mansion. Seriously these girls need to
realize men don't commit in their early 20s and if they do they're either lame,
broke, ugly, small dicked, not worth being in a relationship with, cheating on
you or all of the above - my only friend in high school
Women focus on the wrong thing first. Women could be more successful than men if the focus was there. Its obvious as hell par example I wrote 3 blogs about hov meanwhile he's on twitter talking about getting money and the conditions of society.... my focus is off. I love me some Hov like fat kids love cake. I still want the money, the cars and the clothes before him. I want to reach a certain level of success before I go into full on submission. But women trap the man then start worrying about personal success. I want too much. I don't have kids because I'm selfish. It's me me me me. And depo is the best birth control ever. I know I can't change peoples mind it's just a thought to ponder... We aren't old and we don't know shit... so you rushing to grow up?
"People who gossip to YOU, gossip about YOU" -Brook Lynn Carter
Gretchen feels like people talk about you no matter what you do or how good of a person you are so oh well. Sometimes I care what people think. I admire Gretchen so much because girl really don't give a damn she lives life to the fullest and thats it. Then I remember how I thought Toni was a good girl and she's a fuckin slut. The girls you think are about that action... not so much... them Toni's get dat dick and get it often! LOL!
Part 2:
Gretchen said "Well people swear I only talk to dudes with money but I den talked to a broke dude before I love broke dudes"
FUCK DAT! I don't love broke dudes call me what you need to call me but I wake up every morning at 7 a.m and I grind. You ain't gotta be famous or cute, my physical standards are low but broke?? You could get the fuck on that one. A party promoter, gets no pussy EVER. If you don't work in an office and wear ties and shit... ummm you don't get da draws. He could work in the mail room thats working your way up to something. But all these professional party boys do me a favor boo get the fuck.
Pretend guy friend
Toni has a friend... Mya does to... I used to... And Gretchen just doesn't notice.
Every girl has had that awesome guy friend who they could talk to about anything. He's the best dude ever UNTIL you start dating. Mya's friend is the worst... or maybe Toni's shit idk. Mine is no longer a part of my life because I don't like bitchmade men.
The "pretend guy friend" really has a crush on you or some sick fucking obsession; no guy you like is "good enough" for you. Mostly because those guys aren't him. See the "p.g.f" is a friend because theres nothing exciting about him, nobody wants him and when you ask around about him "stalker, weirdo and he's nice but thats about it" is all you hear. Mya's friend rarely gets play or act right because he's annoying ugly and clingly. The "p.g.f" always has low self esteem, nothing about him stands out he isn't popular, people generally know his face but never his name. The p.g.f is dangerous because he's just like a bitch he talks shit about you to his boys and his other friend girls but the trip part his he's just jealous because you fucking and he's not.
Famous P.G.F quotes:
"Girls don't want a nice guy they want an asshole" <-- Yes because assholes have high self esteem and dress well.
"He's not as intelligent as you are and you need someone on your level" <-- WHO? Your boring ass I'd rather commit suicide.
"My friend told me he saw him with another girl, if i was you I'd stop talking to him he's playing you" <--- who said I wasn't fuckin other people? And why are you & your boys going against the g code?? [pussy ass bitchmade men]
NEWSFLASH: Guys who get into the "friend zone" are there because something about them is sweet but everything else about them is wack so stop wasting your breathe critizing your homegirls romantic choices there is nothing you can say or do will make her want you.
P.S. If your offended kill yaself.
I doubt it but
Me: which half?
Hov: I mean you make me sound perfect on the blog.
Me: But when I talk to my real friends about you they know your flaws. I just can't blog your flaws.
Hov: Well you gotta stop making me sound perfect
He ain't perfect! He's gained about 25lbs since I met him. LOL! His lips are really soft I'm always afraid I'm gonna hurt em. When he gets mad he goes for blood. He's not just an asshole he's nice with the asshole-ness.
So yeah... you happy?
Toni & Brandon
I assume Brandon scrolled down my friend list trying to see if anyone would confess to being someone and he didn't wanna be Brandon LOL
Trevi vs. Trev vs. Trevine
For real bitch
Note: I don't have haters because to me they don't exist I got better shit to do with my time like making your boyfriend suck my toes. LOL! No really that's not directed towards anyone because I extra don't give a fuck LOL.
Kendra: I read your post....we had the same damn experience
Me: I talked to my smart friend (Mya) abt it she said that he's mature enough to be honest & not fuck over me I realized my thinkin is flawed
Kendra: My manager said something similar but I can't help but want a commitment even though I am fully aware of his douchebaggery lol and the fact that I am in no way ready to be in a relationship
Me: The brainwash women have beeen made to believe that the title is more important than the commitment. That's why we're mad and that's dumb.
Kendra: I know! Big and Carrie's relationship wa great when they were just fucking and going out together... things only got horrible when commitment came into play. Why force what you really aren't ready for? But I'm not waiting ten years for nobody!
Me: Girls who have the "title"yet constantly complain about their boyfriends get fucked over worse than us we've just been brainwashed.
Me: I'm not waiting 10 years for shit but a bomb ass birthday LOL! I think once I get my degree and finish grad school I'll be like ok bitch no more waiting
Kendra: Exactly.. I have to get my shit together before I wife a dude but damnit Trevi giving this dude his freedom still hurts.
I truly believe (young) women have been brainwashed into believing that having a guy "claim" them and treat them like shit is much better than him honestly saying I love you I'm just not ready for monogamy. Almost every chick I know whose in a relationship suspects or knows the guy is cheating. So why are we bullshitting?
Big D (my cousin) gave me the best man advice ever. He said "You can't claim in a relationship on your taxes. So what does it really mean? You know that some people are people you aren't willing to left go of. You keep them close but that title don't mean nothing."
I have to credit this to the undresser but I'm not sure if or when he said "A woman would rather have a title than be treated with respect."
Grown woman advice: "I was in love (in her 20s) he told me he needed time. I didn't want to wait. I married someone else and I was miserable for years. I truly believe if I would have just waited (for the first guy), I would be happier and married" -Advice from a divorced woman
*Sometimes I rhyme but not on purpose
His story and her story were like night and day.
Him: Man she was on all my shit she came like 5 times she was lovin my D.
Her: It was like 13 seconds I swear it wasn't a minute.
Mya told me about a guy who thought he was all that. Note to women: When a guy talks about how awesome his sex game is HE HAS A TINY DICK. I didn't make this up. Every girl I know says it. Men who brag lack something. Silent but deadly is not only about farts it's about size.
So Mya's bold ass tells dude he's a complete joke in bed and he's like no girl ever said that before...
I vowed to stop faking, I think all women should pledge to stop faking giving these wack ass bigger egos.
You predict the future
Brandon: i think my newly acquired 30 year old is tryin to catch me slippin...into her bed that is....
Me: Do tell
Brandon: well i went by her house for her b-day n watched dat damn watchmen with her and......(Y do i fell this will be blogged).. N we sat around and watched a lil mo TV and i told her i was bout to leave and i think she said" u can stay" but she definitely said "i go to church at for 11:00"
I went on to tell her i go for 8:00 and do so becuz i cant stand bein in 11:00 service and not knowin when i get out... SHe was laughin and said "GEt out of here wit dat stupid"
So i left and as we were by the door.. she was kinda jokin and playin. u kno.. as if to hold me there a lil longer.. then i hugged her and was bout to leave and she kinda held on to my arm so i hugged her again and lef
SO sunday Yesterdat and today she has actually texted me about stuff that had been goin on or to tell me she "was hungry" and "where's my sandwich"(inside joke)...Today we was on the phone jokin and she said i could only get a sandwich if she got sumthin.... make a dialogue short.. she text "kisses" tho her first answer was "use your imagination"
ithink the problem is she has a son and she dont be wantin me to come there when her there
Me: So just because she wants to kiss means she wants the dick?
Brandon: It means... SHE WILL....lol
Me: you've been blogged Brandon
Brandon: Y am I brandon..
Me: I make up the names damn it
I make up the names be glad I warn you when you get blogged assholes.
The Mystery
It's funny actually Hov is trying to figure out who Gretchen is and Gretchen is pissed cause I never told her who Hov was. These 2 are hilarious.
Gretchen: Umm so who is this boy you always talking about? I don't know him. That's messed up.
Hov: Gretchen Rules! I think I saw a picture of you 2 one day when I was stalking you. (So he likes me likes me and not just likes me... giving yourself away dude... and I like it)
[Note: Hov's never seen Gretch. Don't go through my facebook trying to figure out who people are because they aren't those people.]
Me and Gretch
Gretch- I read it and it was good You so crazy
Me- You remember you said you was gon buy him something
Gretch- I remember dat day it was good... I didn't by anything but I was thinking about it
Me- Yeash so I had to talk you out of it
Gretch- I can't believe you remember that! U need to put some type of warning on your blog for females who get that good dick. Something like: Stay inside for at least 5 hours to let that "good sex" wear off so you don't do something crazy like buying that boy some shoes.
Me- Who you bought shoes for?
Gretch- Nobody I'm just sayin
Me: LIES bitch
Gretch- I keep alll my money
*I won't post about you unless I warn you promise... :-)
except Hov I tell him after
Sidebar: I warned Mya about this post and no one else so feel free to be a lil mad at me but fuck all ya'll because you are.
Toni has been dick-merized since I met her. I'd bet you all the money I own the dick game is wack and the stroke is wack as hell. He looks like he can't fuck and I have dick eyes I know what good is.
Mya is a jackass. "Im dick merized by ****** and i'll take the charge and drive miles to get it... "Frankly he might be able to fuck a little bit but I think you hoes need to get your dick riding game up cause that's how all these dudes "get you"
ME- I have been real talk Hov used to tell me he'd be somewhere at a certain time and I'd wait hours. *Note for future reference I don't go out of my way for Hov anymore.
Gretchen is a fool. She once told me she wanted to buy a man clothes... That's going against the G-code.
I think every woman has been dick-merized before but to be dick-merized after 3 or 4 months is just fucking annoying the thrill of new penis is real but after a while shut the fuck up. And if you haven't ridden the pony in months or even years it's time for you to get a new horse to talk about.
The Pringles Theory
Gretchen is my Samantha Jones... she's not a whore she just plays by her own rules she's not afraid to say what she wants, do what she wants and live how she wants. I love her & I'm jealous.
The Pringles theory is that once you pop you can't stop. The theory only applies to women. Women can go for long periods of time without sex but once the switch is flipped we have one track minds. While there is a small percentage of women who don't like sex that much I don't hang out with those bitches. Also, something has to happen to make you stop... you get dumped, he moves away, or you find out he hooked up with a transsexual. The sex can be bad, good or average while bad sex warrants calling your reliable dick within 72 hours to get that shamed feeling off you LMAO!
The Pringles Theory is also why women cheat... par example: Men don't wanna fuck half as bad as my homegirls. We encounter boos who "aren't in the mood". Pull that shit twice and well... consider yourself cheated on. Note to fellas: If your girl does her normal I want sex gesture and you're "not in the mood" use your hand or somethin be creative LOL.