What do you think when you see this picture?? I'll tell you what I think WHY BITCH WHY? I'm not the most logical person in the world. I know that. But this is insane to the point of no return. She can't get a job. No man will ever take her seriously she has ball hair on her breast.
Which brings me to what this picture has to do with you.. the generally educated population.
There's this woman I've never met, but through associates I see 90% of what she says online. She's thirsty beyond thirsty. She begs for male attention every 15 seconds. I respect hoes, I don't respect women who want to be hoes but can't get a man to bite the bait. Looking desperate makes men wonder why other men don't want you. Tone it down is an understatement. On his Bigger & Blacker comedy special Chris Rock said men have to work for pussy and women get offered dick all day everyday. Since the filming of Bigger & Blacker the roles have been completely reversed. Pussy is in surplus every woman in the world just wants to give herself to any man who will pay attention. My daddy hasn't always been the most awesome but I'm not trying to find a man to fill the void so I know my daddy doesn't suck at life. Back to the point, Men love the chase just as much as women. The Bible says "When a MAN finds a WOMAN he's found a good thing", so why are women searching? Why are women getting dick tattoos on their chest? Why are we tweeting about how we need someone every five minutes? Why are we constantly complaining about the lack of good men, when we aren't being patient and waiting for them?
Some things honestly aren't womens fault BUT the thirsty, gold digging, chasing anything that looks like money is WOMENS FAULT. & frankly you hoes make it hard for crazy chicks like me to convince a man that she wants nothing more than dick and conversation... While you playing with that needing security bullshit. Seek God, peace, understanding and self respect then the only thing you'll NEED a man for is dick & conversation. I can't bring everybody to my level. All the things hoes tell me they NEED from a man are things they need from God, their father or themselves.
SUCCESS! The only thing that attracts women is success so what do you think gets a man?? Stop being thirsty and go make yourself great. Beyonce got a man you're dumbass singing resentment... who feels played??