"Your generation would rather be famous for 2 weeks than be successful and unknown for a lifetime, it's tunnel vision, it's all about glitter, no one realizes the long term effects of short-term gratification"
A few days ago, I was confronted with my past. 1st thought what the **** was I thinking?? I lied when I said there's things in life I don't regret. I regret the things I block from my mind. I can't tell you where my mind was I was 16. As with everything in life, I took today as a learning experience..
*WARNING* I'm about to offend some people.
Today, more than ever I realized that tunnel vision may be one of the worst things people suffer from. You only see the things you want and never see the things you need. When I started college I wanted to have fun. I wasn't worried about a degree or a career. I was living in the moment. By sophomore year, I realized college "fun" was somewhat over rated. After you meet 25 people who have been in college for 6 years, you start to think differently about "the experience". Of course I gave myself other reasons to f-ck up *TUNNEL VISION*. I was so0o0o worried about falling in love, I forgot about personal success.. let's be honest I forgot about myself completely. Flash forward to now, I meet guys who define themselves by Greek letter organizations, college achievements, or their material possessions and I'm instantly turned off. No lie, the year you cross you can go hard but being 32 and counting your frat as your proudest achievement makes you lame.. you get no cookie. I haven't encountered too many women who define themselves by letters BUT they do define themselves by who they are/were smashing.. still LAME.
It's amazing how we only see what we want to see. How many times have you done something because in that moment or at that age it was ok? How many outfits have you later regretted? (5 I don't do trends much). Tunnel vision keeps you in the situation you're most comfortable in and forces you to see nothing but that thing. If you step outside the tunnel, you have nothing. I don't know about you but I have to have something in any situation. Before making decisions think about 10 years from now 2020 really isn't that far away. Moving forward, what do you see?
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