I have a set of friends I call the bad girls. This includes but is not limited to Gretchen, Kimber, the 2 hot chicks & Kendra. The bad girls are the most fun people you'll ever meet. If it's just me & 1 bad girl were good we bake cookies, tell stories, drink a little, nothing strange. But when me, bad girls & men mix it's horrific.
Sidebar: We never get laid... not when we do bad stuff at least... we grab asses tell guys really dirty things we probably shouldn't say... but we never take them home... Gretchen always has dick on call but she's Gretch so DUH!
Tailgating this weekend par example... they got numbers from grandpaw men..D.I.L.F's; they asked men to strip for no apparent reason & they walked up to some guy and told him he looked like a good fuck. [I didn't do or say anything bad because I felt ugly]
The bad girls bring out the worst in me & I bring out the worst in them. I wonder if everyone has friends who bring the bad out? I love the bad girls but I'm really not sure if I can do this every weekend.
I think I bring out the bad in a lot of my peers, then I have to flip it into educator mode when I get around kids. Its pretty awesome. You never brought the bad out of me though. Je t'aime. ~!Antoine!~