

What do you want?

Men confuse me, Boys annoy me!
I've never been a fan of extremes I don't like anything that's too far in one direction lets be clear about that.

Men tell you they don't want gold diggers, then lately there's been this rant about how being independent is too much.
Men, guys, fellas, dudes...What do you want??

Should I be the kind of woman with no career goals or ambition who chases rich men for money and status? Or should I be a woman with goals and ambition who sees men as a compliment not a necessity?

The male ego is so fragile at times that men's desire to be needed over compasses logic and they never care about the motives (not all but A LOT). Some men date known women of loose virtue eg. Basketball Wives etc. knowing that these women have NO desire to have identities outside the children they birth and the men they sleep with yet these women are in relationships and women who work hard and just want love and attention in return are neglected. I can't stop being Trev just because it offends you. You probably don't want to date me if you can't handle my desire to work. It's that simple BUT it's not. Myself and women like me aren't trying to "wear the pants". For the record I hate pants and I'd rather wear dresses everyday of my life until my death. My mother worked 3 jobs my entire life to provide for me. She doesn't understand the word quit or stop. My work ethic is something I use to honor her. She didn't pay over 100k for my education from pre-k to now for me to say I'm gonna be a gold digger mommy... GTF!  It has nothing to do with men or the male ego. When I say I don't need a man it's true. I need Jesus and good health. I want a man. Who doesn't? I don't think independence is a desire to be alone.
The stigma placed on women who only date men with high incomes is so horrific, that women who aren't focused solely on what a man can provide for them financially try to draw the thickest line in the sand possible. I think men mistake that for women talking down to them. In actuality it's separation, I don't want to be viewed in the same way as these jobless, aimless, silly hoes. I AM NOT A MODEL, A SINGER, ACTRESS, A FASHION DESIGNER OR ANY OTHER THING THAT'S CODE FOR I FUCK FOR MONEY!!! (If you're offended by that statement oh fucking well)
I (and others like me) enjoy being non-famous hard workers. My best boy cousin said there's a balance, and no matter how independent you are you have to make a man feel needed. YIKES! Well good thing I'm not trying to get married tomorrow that whole making someone feel needed... ugh... I'm not mature enough.
Where's the balance though? Not every man is the same. Some men want more this and less that some men like make up others hate it. It's not as black and white of an issue as I thought when I began writing this, the grey in this matter seems bigger and bigger with every conversation I have about... who knows?

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