So i often ride alone...freestyling to songs i like. When I started spitting about what i thought was the most random shit ever. But it just kept coming and coming so i realized it was because i was really feeling what i was saying. Luckily i record my randomness on my iPhone. I wont release the freestyle Just yet but it inspired this writing.
The more I think about it emotions and being involved with someone is Rush Hour, Lunch Hour Traffic. The heart is the most disfuncitonal traffic light there is. Our brains never do what the law of our better judgement says we should do when we’re deep in this traffic or we’re in a hurry to get where we need to be.
The people you give the geen light are either to eager to blow through the intersection, or they are hesitant. Hesitant because theyre busy with another song in their head, or they are textng, tweeting or both in traffic. Why do you have to savagely Honk your horn at some people for them to notice that the lights green, the lain is clear, traffic gone and you want them to proceed. You don’t have to completely pay attention to be aware that shit is moving.. Peripheral senses should be enough…yet we get lost…
Give the same person a yellow light to take things slow and they are impatient. They want to tear through at a breakneck speed and get frustrated at having to make a last minute decision. Do I blow the light or do I hit the brakes. Hasty decisions are often to blame for the brutal wrecks that occur between the hearts and minds of people.
Redlights, we’ve all ran them. We’ve all broken rules we didn’t want to. How do you tell people to respect your rules, but you let them break them sometimes. How is one to know when you are serious about them. Some say you cant Turn right on Red. But if every light you’ve approached lets you turn right on red, who is this 1 light to tell me I cant. Lets say you even train yourself to respect the rules of this light. Theres going to be a time where u tell the person at the light to turn red. We all break are own rules. Face it there aren’t any rules When you are playing in Traffic of Human emotions.. No test, No book can prepare you for every condtion you are going to face on the road.
The heart is the most powerful muscle we have but its powered by the human mid… Its thoughts that push us to love, push us to hate, push us to frustration, push us to happiness. So the mind is the more powerful than the heart to me…But no matter how powerful the mind is you cant use its strength to stop thinking about something that the heart wants so much. Don’t let anyone be a Cop, Sheriff or StateTrooper and change ur driving habits when it comes to your heart. Only you know whats good for you, But Drive Carefully.
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