In all my years I have never looked at another mans girl & asked myself "How did he get her?" I think it is the ultimate sign of pussy for a man or woman to look at someone else relationship and wonder how did they get the person they are with. If you were supposed to know then you would be the person.
You dont know what someone has done to secure the position they are in. That ugly nigga that has the girl you want could be giving her treatment she wants & hasn't experienced with anothr man. The ugly woman that has the man you want could be doing everything in her power to make him feel like a man every day. The successful lady with someone you dont think is successful probably only needed someone who believed in her or supported her ideas to be happy. The same with a successful man. The girl you deem the freak that has snagged a nice man may fulfill everything he wants sexually and completes him to the point he doesnt want to fuck around or lose her. She probably holds down the household too. People weigh in on other peoples relationships so much that they dont have time to take care of their own
Stop asking "Why Them?" and work on YOU
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