The opinions expressed in this blog post are the OPINIONS of this blogs owner at any time if you do not agree with these opinions you can close the web browser it's really simple there's an X click it!
The rude list is just a compilation of my opinions on rumors and shit I read on twitter etc. It's not meant to target any certain people only because each thing applies to at least 5-6 people I can think of. BUT of course people think they mean SO much to me that I would honestly devote a blog post to them. And to that I respond BITCH PLEASE!
- Why on my lawds green Earth did they give monkeys make up!? It's called brow filler brow FILLER it fills in spaces it's not called "Draw a whole nother f-ckin eyebrow after you shaved yours off" (-_-)
- You can get f-cked & left by ANY kind of man!!! But don't be all holier than thou because you only fuck losers which makes you a "non-groupie" bitch bye!
- Meanwhile, these monkeys looking like a coloring book by the face. BABY you do NOT need to have every color shadow that's in your multi-colored citi trends dress! && If you're gonna wear eye shadow &/or lashes you need base/concealer or powder!!! Uneven skin makes make-up pointless!!!
- I hate hoes that have thin hair/rigged edges/an overall poo hair style but wanna talk about somebody elses weave… so you mad you can't afford a trim or a style?? Matter of fact you mad you don't you don't have $300 to spend on some weave!!!
- NEVER knock someone's investments because you can't afford to make your own!!
- How dare you be offended because I can afford to wear clothes everyday!!! Bitch said "I wear sweat pants every day I don't have time to be cute" NO bitch you don't have the resources!!!
- That being said, I still won’t spend $1,000 on shoes I’d rather buy food with it, I'm fat sue me but my credit score is off the chain!
- Speaking on carbon copies, all these hoes claiming to be profound say more duck shit than the bitchs who really quacking!!!
- Sweethearts save the love quotes for someone who gives a fuck because that young man whose attention you're dying for HE DOESN'T CARE!!!! Neither do I!
- I hate to see a bitch vent about a man who already got his dick in someone else. There's nothing you can do but move on!!
- Aye y'all don't get tired of being bitter??? Like you just content with being sad every day. It's kinda hard for me to write these lists cause they take me somewhere I don't like to go I don't know how y'all live sad daily.
- Insulting someone doesn't win them back it only lets them know they matter. Kim wouldn't do that!
- You ever notice people who tell you they hate liars be lying they asses off??
- Misery does love company it's always a sad hoe telling you what you should do... My question to them is what are you doing for yourself??
- The older I get the more I realize this boyfriend/girlfriend shit is really about people’s desire for drama. What's the point of being in a relationship if you're both cheating & you both know it!?
- Better yet why the fuck are you calling me asking me what you should do!!!!!!
- This boyfriend/girlfriend shit is too annoying y'all ain't married/living together & you don't have children what the fuck you mean it's hard to leave????
- It ain't hard for you to go fuck someone else though!!!! DONT CALL ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT!!!
- Why is it that the less fortunate always want to prove to you that they "have money" eg. the mattress on the floor girl.
- AGAIN, people WITH money wealth don't display/brag about it because they don't want to get robbed. There is NO way to fake it until you make it. NONE!!
- Why are ALL these unattractive, semi-educated, average men so fucking conceited??? NO I'm not gonna stop talking about it!! Sir you look average, your career is average. WHY DO YOU DESERVE A "BAD BITCH"??
- So, just because you have a dick you somehow have the right to say derogatory things about women YET you, yourself HAVE nothing to offer at all?? & before you try to rip off my head men complain about women without jobs wanting men with wealth so the same principle applies!
- Why am I such a pompous bitch?? Cause I can be it's AMERICA!!!
- I'm NOT perfect. I'm not always right. I'm hilarious sometimes. You over it?? I'm over it!
- Men are extremely sensitive, they get really mad when you objectify them because only women can be objectified... *HA HA!
- I've noticed if I'm going hard on women all the men clap BUT let me say something about an insecure man... All of a sudden I'm a man bashing, dick hater!!
- If my blog partner EVER tells me I've gone too far or that something I said was wrong, I'll take it back... That day has not come.
- REAL men don't show signs of weakness. Especially NOT on the internet!!!
- You notice hoes didn't get "fancy" until the Real Housewives of Atlanta came on tv?? Think back, hoes didn't have "events" until the housewives came out....
- "You can pay for school BUT you can't buy class!!"
- When did it become ok to pretend to be refined??
- Let me tell you a fuckin secret? I know my shit stank I smell it!! But you young hoes confuse real confidence for conceit because you've never encountered a woman who genuinely loves herself. AGAIN, whose fault is that!?
- Bitchs still begging for dick on the internet after Kim told you NOBODY WANTS TO CHEW USED BUBBLE GUM!!!!!
- Stop playing yourselves ladies!! You can't profess to be a good woman when you fucking every man who gives you attention for 5 seconds. THAT'S A DUCK!
- You can't repeat after me on twitter & get the same respect because your ACTIONS don't demand it! Words mean nothing if actions don't coincide. You've been told repeatedly.
- How and when did it become acceptable for a chick to send mass "I'm horny" text to men who are cool?? (It's not just one chick)
- Come on bitch, is you serious?? Self respect have you heard of it??
- And another thing, if a man doesn't wanna fuck you, GIVE UP!!! Hoes begging for one night stands ma'am your pussy has a horrible reputation and it's not going away.
- AND last but not least, if you hoes is "real" "authentic" & "genuine", Remy grows out my f-ckin scalp! *drops the mic*
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