a while back
I knew something was up when This Person Called Me and Asked me to borrow a movie that i had just got back from her. So I said ok. She says Wheres your roommate?I Reply He's not here (lying my ass off...i hope she dont hear him in the background) She says "Well I dont believe you so bring it over here she says...
So i get in my truck and keep it movin..
So I get there and theres 2 other people occupying the living room with her... We pop the DVD and nothing happenin... Sittin on the couch with her I try the hand to monkey transition....denied. So Im thinkin damn, lol these niggaz really just wanna watch a moive. I thought it was pretty much universal language for lets smash. At least in nigga land. Few minutes later 2 of them are like lets go to the store. I ride with them and we end up at the Lil sex shop in Port Allen...SMH so you gave me a NFL lineman spin move on the Pussy and now you gone further tease me seeing yall play wit these rubber dicks instead of mine. They didnt buy anything cause they didnt see anything they liked...
Upon arrival back to their house we sat back down. Me "I have to use the Restroom, so i go into the bathroom where I proceed to get ass Naked like Fukk this. I sit in there and wait. few minutes go buy I hear them screamin"where this nigga I know he not taking a Shit...
Two of them walk back to check on me. They walks in the room and Here i am Commando in the bathroom door. Stallion looks at me and says "Shit Nigga Get it Crackin. I strip Stallion...Rubber up and proceed to beat from the back. At this Point Slim Fine is sitting on the Bed Naked playing with herself while listening to moans... Stallion then grabs Slim Fine and Begins to Eat her out... Dicking that cat down with her tongue.. Im still beating and my rubber breaks...FML Thats my last one..She says "Hold on let me grab some of my Boyfriends!" SMH..should i stop at this point?...NO SIR SAYS I.
We go back at it. Slim fine is on the bed going to town with her hand pleasing herself as I beat Stallion. The ass perfect big and round and Was like the soldiers storming the beach of Normandy...Beaucoup waves. I wanted to thank the Chef for the delicious pussy that he had set b4 me on this fine night.
Me and stallion switch to one of my fav positions.. 1 leg pinned flat, the other leg with knees pinned to her breast. This provides for great traction and puts a very good torque and dick delivery angle on the sex. I love hearing her talk shit..I love hearing my name. I loved being able to answer yea when she asks if I like it. Few minutes later Shes like hold the fuck up...Cervix, cervix, cervix nigga...she taps out...
so i proceed to the floor where a naked slimfine gets greeted with tongue...Take my time enjoy it and work every drop like im on deathrow and its my last meal. So as im attempting the tongue to penis transition..she says" Whoa you not puttin all that in me cause my man will surely know!!! Nether-the-less i gotta respect that and i had a hell of a night...
I love the bond these girls had with one another and how they can truly share everything. Pledging brings you closer together. All sorority sisters should be this way.
Stallion kept in contact for solo missions for a while...
And, this is cute how?