Too many niggaz lose someone they really like or chase her away with horrible meat...It leaves a trail...in fact it leaves a report called the B.D.R. Bad Dick Report. This problem comes from niggaz wanting to rush shit and get them. It also could be as simple as not knowing what kind of woman you are dealing with. Sure there are a few women who wanna get straight to fukkin, wham bam keep it movin sir, but for the most part all women want more out of sex.
Sex is more than putting ya dick in and premature ejaculation... If you are finally going there with someone you've been craving why half step? Her body will tell you everything you need to know about satisfying her without her saying a word. So you have to read body language...For instance..If you're kissing her in the inner thigh and she starts to quiver while moving up to her vagina....Dont stop and immediately whip out ya dick...keep going shes already started the process of getting her. Too many niggaz underestimate the power of touch, of hardcore lust, the possibility of what can happen when i kiss here, or kiss her here. Gentle yet forceful nibbles all over are whatsup.
Rub her back, grab her breasts, grab the back of her neck and pull it hard towards you as you kiss all over her body. Be flamboyant with the dick, Dicks are everywhere....besides size what are you going to do to seperate yourself from that dick that was there b4 you and the ones that can replace you...If you keep that mindset you wont shortstroke her.
I belive a 100% that if she gets her then i've got me. Bombs go off in my body as i see her spine arch because im in the right spot...or she abuses the hair pulling because its the only thing she can think to grab while i slurp on her. I wanna fuck her deeper as i bend her over and slide in her from behind and she sucks my fingers cause she just has to do something with her mouth..
You dont have to be in love with someone to give them pleasure that they wish will stay forever. You just have to be unselfish and willing to put in work. You can have all the money in the world and spoil her to death...Fuck Dick game...If yo Sex Aura aint comin right she gonna step out. Be the total package...nothing worse than leaving the drive through and discovering that they didn't give you everything you paid for.
The B.D.R is real.. Trust me! & Sex Aura I'm stealing that shit!