

Oh. Baby. Do. It

  1. Fuck hard! I mean why wouldn't you!
  2. When it doesn't rain it's too hot but when it rains it pours.
  3. AGAIN, real hoes are the ones you've never heard of. Men keep real hoes a secret and publicly degrade ducks without morals. I can't make this shit up!
  4. I'm always motivated to write when I'm not close to my laptop.
  5. Back in the day, dudes protected women from excessive shade. Discretion works to every ones advantage. Hoes will in fact hoe more when it's a secret.
  6. Feather earrings scare me.
  7. I can't say I really care about Casey Anthony... I mean it's wrong it's really wrong but bad things happen a lot.
  8. Focusing on being a good person will get me further in life than focusing on other peoples fuck ups. That's insensitive to some but real to all.
  9. I get tired of talking about love. It'll happen. But complaining about it doesn't make it happen faster.
  10. My booboo said #shade is too small we have to throw Oprah Oak... *follow me camera*
  11. "She only denies fucking him because we said he was lame" << Ma'am if you want to fuck lames we don't care!!! I mean you're happy.
  12. It's funny when people are shamed of their fuck friend.
  13. There's an illusion that if you talk a lot you care. It ain't true!
  14. You ever go on Facebook and look at your hood friends friends??? Them broads!!!! HIL-ARIOUS!!!!
  15. I saw one girl with a full mustache and a lacefront. I was DEAD!
I'm done LOL!!

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