I own 1 Baby Phat dress it's the only piece of "urban gear" I own.
My mother on the other hand is a fan of Frankie... as in Frankie & Neffie.
Today I get a call @ 1:36 p.m. on my work phone it's my aunt. I said" What you want girl?" She says "Ya mama passed out they rushed her to the hospital"
My heart stopped...
This is the second time she's passed out in two years. The first time they told me she tried to kill herself... I had to make an hour drive thinking my mother was suicidal only to find out that her dumb ass doctor prescribed her meds that don't mix.
Flash Forward: New doctor, new meds.. no reason to pass out right? WRONG!!!
The new meds cause a decrease in her blood glucose when she's stressed... The woman is the definition of stress. I'm beyond afraid to lose my mother. Her mom died when she was 27 & I was 4. I'm not old enough to get off the tit. I need her.
The reason for the title: I got to the hospital a few minutes after she's checked in. They tell her to change into the robe. She hands me her glasses. I drop them. She screams "Girl don't you scratch my glasses" I look down at the glasses and realize they're Baby Phat... That woman! I had to laugh she is too hood for her own good. I told her none of her good rhinestones came out she was not hearing me. She said" Gimme my damn glasses". She hid her precious ghetto glasses from me. Then when the lady came in to do the EKG she hands me the glasses again & stares my down like she's about to whip me for being bad in Wal-Mart [I remember that look]
On the way home she explains to me everything she's stressed about. Frankly I don't have the mental capacity to remember all of that let alone stress about it. She's good. I begged her not to stress.. prob not gonna happen.
This is my legless grand paw 50% of the stress:

Today I realized that maybe I don't always focus on what's important. The important stuff in my life is hard. Nothing worth having is easy.. nothing left to do but be better.
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