This is mostly personal about ME & a brief study of other people if you get offended.. grown the f-ck up!

I don't know why I try so hard to be in monogamous relationships when I love new challenges. There are guys who will always be more important than others. BUT right now I'm figuring me out. The greatest advice I ever recieved was from a woman who was getting divorced. She said "I had to work on my me shit while he was working on his he shit so we had no time for the we shit." I need to know who I am 100% before I try to give my all to someone else. Almost (read almost) everyone I know in their 20s whose in a "relationship" has conversations, interactions or even sex with someone who isn't the person they're commited to. Emotional cheating is just as bad. So why do people still bullshit with the "title" thing. I think women do it to feel special, I think men to it to have guarenteed pussy.
I often think about the progression of life. My grandmother was married in her teens, my moms generation got married in their 20s, so I assume I should be married in my 30s. I need time to be ME. Not my mother's daughter, my husband's wife or children's mother. Independent self sufficient ME. I need to have my own indentity before I decide to be label myself as someone elses something. I want to be independent truly independent, granted this may not be the goal of other women... if this isn't your goal don't be offended by what I want. My mother didn't pay for 20 years of my education for me to get married. I could have gone to public school and skipped college for all that.
The moral of the story: I'm tired of letting other people or "social norms" define what makes me happy. I don't do married shit (cooking, cleaning, co-habiting, buying gifts, going on vacations etc..) with men I date, because it's just that DATING. Just because you feel that that's what works for you doesn't mean I have to. Also from all the situations I've seen where people do married things before getting married it just leaves you with more heartache. I want to be with someone because I want them NOT because I need them. I'm just in it for dick and conversation everything else comes from God, my parents, my sanity & self respect. I can't do what makes other people happy. Pussy does NOTHING for me, I hae my own & well it's a bitch. I won't be in a relationship on facebook because titles are important to you. For the record.. they don't leave me, we take breaks. Meanwhile ya'll heartbroken & devastated... Whose losing?? The fact that I've never given anyone my all, keeps me above the bullshit. & I refuse to let anyones opinion of anything in MY life shape who I am.
My parents still love each other but they aren't together because of what other people thought.. Wise people learn from others mistakes, fools learn from their own mistakes.. I'm too wise for you fools!
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