“Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.” - Kahini Gibran
When's the last time you told a story & made yourself the bad guy? When is the last time you honestly said "I was wrong", not after a long drawn argument I mean as soon as it happened.
What exactly is pride? Why is it so hard to be wrong? If we were never wrong how would we grow, evolve, change or mature?
Learning, I enjoy learning, I hate to be wrong but hey who doesn't! Being right is fun. I don't know anyone who lives life to be wrong. BUT who lives life to remain the same? At a certain point every day, week, month, year, you look at the past and say that was wrong, in the future I'll do it this way. We as humans, in my generartion seem to glorify ourselves even in our wrong doing! I'm guilty of this as well.
BUT what happens when you stop seeing the future way??
What happens when tomorrow becomes less and less obvious and attainable? It's strange people get tunnel vision and never see the sides, it's just forward or backwards and no other direction. The tunnel shows you the people you already know, the situations you've already encountered. You do the same things with the same motives and seek different results. Riding the same roller coaster fifty times won't amke the ride different. I've been in the box, the bubble, I've known things without "knowing". It's been so hard. Then I fell on my ass and said "Yup I was wrong". It's way easier to admit I'm wrong to my older wiser friends, my peers... yuck! I don't mind being wrong, I really don't. It's hard to deal with for a day or an hour, then it's over.
Dwelling on the L's of life only make the wins less meaningful. Pride often draws more attention to things you can't control. This isn't about people or situations, it's about my relationship with me. At the end of the day, when you fuck over someone you're also doing yourself harm. When you love someone you put somethings before your own personal interest. Everything always goes back to your relationship with you.
Eventually it seems we all evolve to be a little more self centered. To stop giving our all to everyone while they give 20%, to stop listening to that friend who complains about every single little thing but never does anything to change those things, to finally dump that guy who sucks at life. I realize I'm all over the place on this one!
Today, yesterday, tomorrow, I'm gonna be ok with being wrong as long as it helps me to grow. When it's over, I am the only one who reaps the benefits or suffers the consequences of my actions. They are my own. Some people don't deserve my attention. Some situations just shouldn't have as much weight as they do. It's all pretty simple. Yet it's so complicated. I'm not done talking about this just done for tonight.
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