I realize Hov
Hov is far from perfect but I blocked all these segments of time from my mind because he's not that guy anymore. I think we just had our first real argument because I told him I remembered. I wanna cry... I'm so soft I cry for everything... I hate me.
Me and Hov smashed before we knew each other well, that was part of the problem. I can't say it but he wasn't Mr. Perfect. He was Mr. Can't get Right. He had many flaws. I've watched him grow, I am so happy to know the man I know now but that boy, BAD BAD BAD BAD. Hov was worse than Jake. He wasn't disrespectful or rude but on my bad scale Jake would be dumped for Hov's actions. I think he's mad because he thinks that all of a sudden I'm gonna change...
[SHITBRAIN if I was willing to tolerate "that" when I met you and had no reason to be attached to you, now that I am attached to you, nothing changes... stop confusing me with them other bitchs you know I hate stereotypical black women and I don't act like them... but I wanna slap you a lil bit for being mad]
Which leads me to my next thought: Is the dick that good?? Or maybe I love you? But maybe just maybe... [beast in dem sheets]
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