I live life to the fullest and I rarely regret things. There is one situation I would take back if I could only because I didn't really learn anything I didn't already know from it.
Once upon a time there was a guy... I don't know what drew me to him. I was obsessed. CRAZY! So crazy I scared myself. It was almost like I watched myself on television. He's attractive [first mistake]. He just looked like he'd make cute babies... who thinks about that??
I regret this experience because I did things I never do. I was stalkerish & clingy & desperate. If I was one of my friends I would have beat me up. I tried to prove myself to him, even though he never did anything that was worth me "wanting" him. My imagination turned him into someone he clearly wasn't and while my mind knew this I still wanted him. Sidebar: I think I finally figured out how to embarrass myself. Eventually, all my crazy feelings faded but I'm still mad at myself for devoting that much time and energy to someone who wasn't worth it.
Do all women lie to themselves like I did or am I insane??
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