From pre-k to 8th grade, there were never more than 10 girls in my class. I had no choice but to be known. But the dynamic changed in high school, it was all about who had the best roller wrap or the newest fake designer purse. (I don't believe any of those hoes had real designer bags, how you didn't have a car and lived next to the projects but could afford a designer bag... gtfoh) Take back I know Jai's purse is real cause she stole it from her mama. But the rest of them hoes was fake. I wore the same jeans every weekend. Not because I had to, because I have always spent more money on food than clothes. My daddy says my tastebuds are too expensive I blame him for taking me out to eat too damn much. I also blame my mother for saying they got this new place Trev we gon go. I never fit in the black girls cause I never cared about the knock off finer things in life lol! I was into reading books & learning stuff & getting as drunk and high as possible every weekend (I'm not perfect). But I look back on it now and laugh a little because all those "popular girls" aren't successful. At least Raven's weird ass was on Charm School the rest of ya'll "famous" hoes have yet to hit tv... wait big ups to the club legend commercial LOL! (I really do love her we're the same height)
the end like duh!
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