I can't lie well I can but I chose not to... I'm a fan of dick pix if you wanna send I wanna look but I might not return the favor.
I am the queen of copy and paste so this is a convo I just had with the homegirl [Mya]:
Mya: blog about this shit
me: tell me the story
Mya: ok its not a story really lmao
me: tell me now bioch
Mya: so i coined yesterday send a dick pic day... because w/in the span of 2 hrs i received a pic from 2 different guys lmao and i didnt ask for them!
Mya: my pt one of them was thick but it wasnt big- if yo shit not on... dont send it lmao
Mya: send a chick a dick pic hahahahhaha
me: LMAOI'm copy and pasting sorry i gotta
Mya: lmao ok
So fellas keep in mind we talk about the pix and if there pityful we show people but if they look real nice we keep that a secret.
*all names are always changed duh
lol, just as much as yall talk about d*ck pics, most dudes share your pics. Only difference, is....yours end up all over the internet. I'll send you one though, you just gotta return the favor, lol.