

but they ARE serious

She said something to the effect of "She really doesn't think she can get anyone better he can get her in clubs for free".... F*ckin for status?? I don't really know how I feel about women who chase men with "status". I'm not talking athletes or musicians. I'm talking men who own clubs or manage clubs... party promoters even. I blame near sighted-ness. I honestly can't see past next week. So I assume these chicks can't look past "the party years". Who really wants to settle down with someone they know is fucking 8 other people. Not saying all these guys are horrible but the ones I've encountered are gross. Then most of those men are old and married. I am totally grossed out by the idea that some young ladies bone married men. I'm not perfect but damn... do we just not respect anything anymore? Don't get it twisted I'm not defending women who fuck athletes and musicians I'm just saying the potential pay off is obvious. The gym teacher at Prep said "if you're gonna be a hoe be the best damn hoe possible." I'd rather be a million dollar hoe and than a payday loan hoe. If you're gonna be skilled and talented aim high hoe. That's why I don't like it because its low budget... club owners and such might not even make 6 figures... get ya hoe game up... LMAO

1 comment:

  1. but that ish is sooooo common down here. u get excited over a nigga that got u free admission? 20 f'n dollars?! please! did he at least get u a table w/ bottles? no? of course not! it's 1 thing 2 use some1 2 gain addmission but i don't want chicks 2 be excited over it.
