


When someone hurts you.. you try to hurt them back. I don't think that makes sense. You have to know someone to really hurt them. That's the first problem. Women are so willing to open up to men that only have one goal. I'm upset with women for being so willing to settle into these dream houses.

There are some women I follow on twitter that I don't know personally but I do know who they used to fuck because they always tweet negative things about them. When do people grow up and decide that things truly happen for a reason?If you hurt me I feel sorry for you. God loves me, he just likes you.



I live life to the fullest and I rarely regret things. There is one situation I would take back if I could only because I didn't really learn anything I didn't already know from it.

Once upon a time there was a guy... I don't know what drew me to him. I was obsessed. CRAZY! So crazy I scared myself. It was almost like I watched myself on television. He's attractive [first mistake]. He just looked like he'd make cute babies... who thinks about that??

I regret this experience because I did things I never do. I was stalkerish & clingy & desperate. If I was one of my friends I would have beat me up. I tried to prove myself to him, even though he never did anything that was worth me "wanting" him. My imagination turned him into someone he clearly wasn't and while my mind knew this I still wanted him. Sidebar: I think I finally figured out how to embarrass myself. Eventually, all my crazy feelings faded but I'm still mad at myself for devoting that much time and energy to someone who wasn't worth it.

Do all women lie to themselves like I did or am I insane??


The Dreamhouse

Tonight on twitter I asked a question: Ladies, If men told us what they were really thinking would we still fuck or do we have to be sold a dream 1st?

@dauglytruth ..Ive been told the truth & that shits a turn off..but Ive been lied 2& had some good dick & then found out the truth like damn (via @sierrastorey)

Women always complain about how men lie but honestly Everybody lies what matters is who they lie to, what they lie about & why they lied. Most men lie about what they own because society requires them to have certain things. Most women lie about being sluts because every man wants a good girl. I lie about my real feelings towards certain situations because I don't want to hurt people I care about. When it comes to dreams, I don't need a dream all the time. Sometimes I'm in heat & he looks good. [B.B.U] Other times I need him to tell me some super outlandish shit... he never really does but he gets close enough.

Toni LOVES to be sold dreams. [She's gonna be so mad I said that] Oh well she so does! Toni is of that breed of women who would rather believe they're in "love" when they have sex so it's less whorish. I'm not knocking it, the truth is just easier for me. I've encountered women who were sold dreams that don't make sense. Google is a powerful tool, if he tells you he owns something google it, if he says he plays for a team google it, if he says he doesn't have kids google it... are you getting the hint? Men lie about everything, women let them... whose wrong?

@dauglytruth when u meet a guy and he "says" everything u like it makes u blind to all the cracks n the story & he gets wat he wants & laughs (via @sierrastorey)

Just wondering...