

The answer minus the questions

Everyone has a bad day... Or week. Sometimes you have a shitty month... But how do you turn it off. Everyone says cheer up NO ONE says how... So here's your answer NO questions!

Those closest to me know that last year I suffered from some serious depression. And all I did was talk about it. THAT'S THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO! I believe in the law of attraction. The law states that like attracts like. The simplest way to explain it is that your thoughts become the things in your life. You attract what you think about most and if all your thoughts are consistently on the things you hate... Everything you hate dominates you! It's kind of hard not to talk about what's wrong. BUT dwelling on what's wrong only gives you more issues.  



I dream CRAZY shit. I can't tell everyone my dreams but if you know what I dream... you know it's CRAZY! A few weeks ago I had a dream about EVERY type of elevator I've ever seen. You ever notice when you're about to figure out the point of your dream you wake up? Or maybe I'm crazy. I need a new vision board. Time to re-write my goals. I see me moving in a new direction!!  


But it's so simple...

The hoe tips tumblr is HILARIOUS! Bro tips NOT so much.
Anyway, people are stupid throw rocks at them. It's amazing how people spend 23 hours a day worrying about shit that won't happen. Why is it that people are more concerned with what someone else is doing than improving themselves? Self improvement is a beautiful DO IT!!!  I hate other people. I like talking about myself. Call it what you want but I get tired of talking about other people. I'm a fucking genius! And I'm hilarious! I've devoted my life to me... Try it!!