

Blues Clues Heaux

Women can be on some Loser shit just like niggaz. How you possess a degree, have a bad vocabulary, not have a job, live at home with your parents, and dont see yourself doing anything in your future. Well when I found this out I told the chick that i couldnt rock with her a long ass time ago. Today she decides to resurface randomly!

Lord knows its idiots like this that makes me appreciate the good ones. If you have a good woman who grinds and has sense please hold onto her...Its too many idiot decepticons out here like this Bad Bitch with No Brains!



Someone I care a lot about called me Selfish and Wreckless the other day. They couldnt be more right. I say a lot of shit and do a lot of shit that i should think completely through before saying or doing. Men and women often use the "Im Single." line as a way of not being held accountable for ones actions. I admit its one of the reasons Im single. I dont wanna owe someone more than i can give in the form of explanations for the shit i do right now. The other part is that by working here i constantly see so many women willing to fuck over something good that has existed long before i was thought about.

I have been irresponsible with peoples feelings at times...Just because we're single doesnt mean that we should be blind to the fact that people have deep emotional investments built in us. I say what i want and how i want too, but it doesnt always mean its right..But its right for me. I just never believed in sugar coating things and you'll always know where my head is. With that said my Selfish ass actions leave you open to receiving full reports on my daily conduct. You pretend it doesnt bother you because we have no title, but I know it does when i have to hear about it later.

The real shame is I dont know that im hurting you, until you say something. Ignorance is just built into niggaz, and we just choose to ignore doing shit to you that we wouldnt want done to ourselves. Being single isnt an excuse for me to ignore the responsibility of doing what i know is best to protect and legitimize the feelings that are directed towards me. I know if i keep on saying Fuck it Im single, Im always gonna remain single...Nobody wants that

So if im wreckless with your heart and feelings..its not that i wanna be. u just havent set your guidelines. No man has the right answers to every thing dealing with you women. Are you patient enough to teach a nigga how you want to be loved. Then again the 2nd half of my problem is that I see way too many women use the word LOVE & wouldnt know that feeling if it slapped them dead in the face.

I have learned that much in my life and i dont play with the words I Love You. If its said its genuine. I feel like as long as I keep everything 100 from jump that you dont have room to complain. Then again people want the truth and don't know how to handle it when you give it to them. I really dont care how Im Judged as long as im doing right by the people in my life. Ive become more and more afraid to open up to the wrong person so maybe it isn't me being selfish as much as Self Preservation. I see Relationships as being on an open plain with Lions...Nobody wants to be the fucking Gazelle.


If a nigga gives you all the right tools in life not to get on his damn nerves then please apply and use them accordingly... I dont know how many times i have to post shit like this for people to see that its not always good to go hard trying to show ones interest. I wish everyone came fitted with a goin hard meter so they would know when the hell to chill out and back off of someone or a certain situation.

I absolutely cant stand to be hit with repeated texts after i havent answered but for the person to go as far as...ooh i see u not talkin or u ignoring me.... So lets say if u ask me " u ignoring me?' what the hell u gonna do when i reply "yes!" Either way ya go you just setting yourself up for failure...

If you want a nigga that can answer 24-7 then you need someone who doesnt do shit with their life, Im just not that Nigga. When u assume shit you make an ass of yourself. So b4 u badger the fuck outta someone...chill, breathe, go bored text someone but not me cause ill flash out. I think ill make a skype or messenger dedicated to answer questions of women and tell u what not to do and title it " Am I going too Hard?"

The Average Black Girl

Continuing my series on the types of black women..
We encounter the "average black girl" there's NOTHING special about her. She may be unique in one or two elements but honestly nothing about her is original. She watches BET doesn't take it as seriously as the ghetto girls but would rather watch BET than the news.
Average black girl maybe considered a basic bitch BUT not all basic bitches are average black girls, think squares and rectangles. The average girl and the basic bitch are probably friends and they know ghetto girls but rarely know unfriendly black hotties because they think WE think we're too good for them.. Well duh bitch we are! Moving along, These women are usually gold digging whores who have no real career goals. Like ghetto girls they want the "finer things" in life but don't know what Beluga is. I'm not saying eating raw food makes you better than anyone I'm just saying knowing what it is, is important.
The average black girl is the reason hood rats find out about nice clubs. The average black girl HAS to brag about every new "experience" she has to everyone she meets. She has no class really doesn't know the difference between personal and private. She usually wears what all the other black girls are wearing; listens to whatever music all the black girls listen to and does everything that's stereotypically black without crossing the line into ghetto land. She doesn't have orange hair and gold teeth. She probably doesn't have children. That doesn't mean she's a great person. She's AVERAGE. That's the point. She's neither intelligent nor ignorant and loves it that way.
This is the most common black woman in America. She doesn't think for herself or even know how. She doesn't explore the world outside the black Mecca's Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Miami, Vegas and your occasional New York trip. I hate them more than ghetto girls because they pretend to be something they're not OFTEN!
If you ever wonder if a girl is an average black girl ask to see her old pictures or go through her facebook.. if she ever owned gaucho pants, a disc belt, red pumps with the belt and plastic jewelry to match, tights with cut outs, "burberry", if she didn't start wearing eyeshadow until all black girls did, the list goes on and on but you get it. She's a carbon copy of all other carbon copies. YUCKY!