

I'm just different

I don't think there's a black man shortage. I don't think white girls are taking up all the good black men. Probably because I'm not just attracted to black men. I feel like I'm awesome and if I want something I can have it (black, white, yellow, red, tan, peach). Too many women don't value themselves so they blame white women for their problems. I was watching the show show on YouTube & Bari said something to the effect of "Why aren't black women mad about the drug dealers and toothless black men that white women "take"? " This has always been my thought. When I worked in wic I saw white women with black men that not even the trashiest hood rat should want. I really don't care who disagrees: Most black women are only angry when successful black men date white women. Nobody gets mad at the guy who works at McDonalds for being with a white girl. LMFAO!!

Which means you don't want the money you want the "status" or the "money". I could care less about a mans money he just can't ask me for mine. I'm a goal-digger. I need someone with a mission a purpose. I'd date a teacher with no issue. Back to the point. I love white men. They make me happy in my panties. I know it's different because I liked them before I liked black men but still. They're so fun! It's like traveling to a foreign land without moving. I think black women should stop trying so hard to be with black men, they ain't checking for you.
If more black women dated white men maybe then black men would get mad and start dating black women HA HA! That would be some fun shit. Anyway I'm going to find me a white man with good cred-ick and hazel eyes!!

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