

Somethings to consider

Who the fuck told you this was a good idea? I want you to ask yourself that the next time you do something you can't tell your best friend about. Those secrets that you're afraid to tell even the person you trust the most.. well boo that's some shit you know you shouldn't do.
I love danger. BUT I ain't shamed of it! I'm more ashamed when I do good girl stuff cause it fucks up my "image"! Lol! I kid. Or not.
If you ask me I will tell you. I've never been a fan of rumor I'd rather you know instead of having some crazy idea about me... BUT I'm me... moving along
Those who have the select priviledge of knowing the real you, should love you. If they don't... are they your friends??
I can't lie and say I approve of all my own decisions... for example.. I talk to Big ALOT... I may love the attention but I know it's not healthy... If I was my friend and not myself I'd curse me out about this.
I have friends who date guys who don't want anything in life it makes me sad. I just want so much better for them BUT I'm not throwing shade at them.
My biggest pet peeve with the common negro is the catty-ness. Why is she your friend if you hate everything about her? And you wonder why people don't trust you but you talk out your ass about everyone...
Bottom line is you could 5000 abortions, murder a man and rob a bank, if your friends love you... no one should know but you and them... BUT how many real friends exist...
So should we refrain from the actions or the people?
Something to think about clearly....

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