

Why the f**k is you worried about it!!

Again, I ask why the f-ck is you worried about it???

All day everyday the social network community focuses on "issues" that don't have sh-t to do with nothing!!! And I ask again and again... Why the f-ck is you worried about it??? I'm not talking about the funny stuff. The funny stuff is GRRRRRRR-eat!! It's these "issues" that aren't really "issues".


Everyday, there's a woman complaining about men who don't like black women. Ma'am are you going to live your entire life worrying about what someone is doing with their body that they own or are you going to choose to be the best you possible and get your own fucking man???
Then these same women complain about the lack of "good men" out there. Well ma'am if you were as worried about yourself as you are about who someone else makes sex with, you'd probably have somebody GREAT!! Nobody on my lawds green Earth wants to date someone who isn't the bet version of themselve possible. Now you may not understand that & that's fine too but go get a career, a house and a dog watch how fast you get a good man!

Everyday, there's a man complaining about a woman's preference in men. Sir if I want to make sex with men who have abnormally large penis' that's what I'm gonna do. NOW, you can focus all your time and energy on me and my privates BUT that won't get you any play NOR will it improve your quality of life.
Then there's the men who have NOTHING positive or even remotely nice to say about women and you wonder why you gotta buy lotion every 6 hours!! Sir we understand women don't like you, you don't like yourself BUT you don't get flies with vinegar! Degrading women does not make women want to make sex with you!! I'm not saying you should blow smoke up their asses or even say positive things about them 24/7 just tone that shit down. You sound like a hoe on her period. I'm serious! Or you can keep talking stupid and masturbate your hands off bitter bitchs can get dick eventually, bitter men... eh ugh NOT SO MUCH!!!

PEOPLE, My people... Self improvement is the single most important thing you can or will do with your life. Devoting all your time and energy to criticizing someone who doesn't give a f-ck about whether you live or die is POINTLESS JUST F-CKING POINTLESS!!! There is no reason NONE for you to think about people who don't give a f-ck about you!! There are far more important things you can focus on. The government is OUT of control!! There are corporations making billions yearly and they aren't paying taxes! Also, the Bush tax cuts keep the rich CEOs of these companies even richer! They aren't paying half as much as they should be in taxes but people are so ignorant they don't realize raising taxes helps the poor! If those coporations & billionaires did pay taxes our government wouldn't be in debt for too much longer and then the economy would improve signficantly. See what I'm saying there are things you can focus on that directly effect you!!!

End note: You can be mad! But I made you think huh?? What people choose to do with their privates is they damn business don't be bitter be happy!!! Personal happiness is only possible when we focus on the things that MAKE US HAPPY! See what I'm saying FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!! The end!

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