

The worst kind

Most young women assume they've met the worst kind of man. A liar, cheater, woman beater etc...
But in my opinion they're all wrong!

The worst kind of man is one of my best friends. He doesn't dump girls EVER! He waits for them to leave him alone. He never likes to be "at fault" for a relationship ending. He doesn't ignore phone calls or texts. He doesn't say stop talking to me. He lets you talk but shows more and more indifference with each passing day. Which makes the women feel as though they've done something wrong. It's psychology at it's greatest.

When he told me this, I thought to myself, self have you met guys like that... YUP! Big and Hov! Very "nice" guys they just never told me to get the fuck even when it was obvious that that's what they wanted to say. And if no one ever ends it, how do you know it's over? He still answers texts and phone calls he just doesn't make them. So then eventually you realize "This entire week I've been the caller and not the called".

So you send yourself to rehab, you delete his number (even though you have it memorized) and try your hardest to keep away from him at all costs, and then you say I wonder how long it'll be before he calls.... Girl NEVER! (Speaking from personal experience) Rejection sucks! Blatant rejection in my opinion is a much softer blow than the "what ifs" associated with the guy who won't leave you. Futhermore some women experience the guy who won't leave you but doesn't have a car, in which case he uses you for rides until he finds a new girl to drive him places... Sad shit!

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