

The Mission

So many people will tell you that they know me but they don't know shit. While vain & somewhat self-centered, if you really know me, you know my passion in life is people. Mostly kids. If I can't help, motivate & inspire every person I encounter I have failed as a person. You clearly didn't know that about me.. moving on.

Before I made mistakes my goal in life was to be rich. I wanted to use my bullshitting skills to make money and buy material things that would never equate to happiness. The 2nd time I flunked out of college, I was forced to take "easy" classes. Taking easy classes gave me the purpose I now have. Taking Juvenile Delinquency taught me how many men in prison had simple learning disablities. That if detected early would have probably kept them in school & maybe kept them from killing. There were several other lessons but that one sticks out in my mind the most. I don't aspire to be famous, but I will be glamorous in all things! I want to motivate the next generation to be all that they can be.
I've heard so many people say they're outraged by The BlindSide (the Michael Ohr story). Well guess what?? Antione Fisher was motivated by an African American but our generation seems to be so caught up in self that we don't help others. Now take all the outrage you have about white families helping black kids to succeed in life, and take your black ass into the inner city & help black kids, then you might get a movie! SHOCKING!!!
Personally, I don't need a movie or a book. I need a little girl to grow up and know that she's more than her body, I need one black man to grow up and know that he's worth more than his weight in gold (not my kids someone elses). That's it. My mission is to truly impact someones life as often as I can.

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