

Concealed Weapon Permit on Deck

Remember when I said Jane Doe told me goodbye because she wasnt getting anywhere beyond friendship..If i end up being the subject for an episode of snapped or Forensic Files then My blog partner has the password for my phone so the police can investigate and catch her! I have never seriously considered getting a restraining order against a female until now. A lot of you say just change your #, thats the hardest thing to do for someone who works on a lot of referral or return clientel business! But here is court exhibit A

Im really tempted to post her picture so other niggaz can stay away... She really is attractive..maybe she's too attractive because she actually thinks that im tellin her no so that i will appear to be unattractive so she doesnt want me. What kinda logic????? No 28 year old should be this damn retarded. I hope every women doesnt send a nigga a pic of that ass talkin about Kiss it to say goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Lol sometimes I wish the shit I encountered on a daily basis was half this entertaining. The I realize I wouldn't wanna put up with that either. Tough for her.
