

She was totally neat...

The other day I was reading blogs as I do quite often and I came across this post on about the hair down there.... this is a pretty big block quote but I needed it all:

"in my club you will find a serious variety of all kinds of bikini lines. some girls in the club DONT shave because they dont like the maintenance of it, or the risk of bumbs or ingrown hairs. then there are the girls who prefer to look like a 5 year old and completely shave everything off, judgement. and then you have gals like myself who line it up all nice like, with just enough hair to cover my pride..hehe. i cant stand the way a bald pussy looks."

I was so hurt. I've had several candid conversations about grooming the cupcake & I think my way is the best way. Kimber dated a guy who liked afros and he also didn't want her to shave her legs dude had issues. I think all that hair is unhealthy, you don't know what's in that bush. Reading what Brooke wrote really made me think... I'm 4'8, I sound like a chipmunk & I'm totally neat... am I some guys sick child porn fetish?? :-/ I feel strange about it now... should I be covering my pride?

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