

Death of Love Songs... Moment of Silence

Listening to my Maxwell mix on Pandora, I understand why my mother feels modern music is inadequate. In the course of a modern r&b song, we lock eyes, exchange names and have sex. Maybe theres no song that says it exactly like that but there isn't a need to wait. Nothing is passionate anymore. Listening to Luther Vandross takes you to a distinct place, you can hold it, smell it and taste it. It's not a club, no one can see you, your cool falls off and you are truly vulnerable. There's only one person on your mind there's only one person you can share that moment with... it's passion.

Second thought: The internet ruined everything: music, fore play, reality. Instant gratification is the worst thing anyone can have and the internet helps us all the perpetuate the idea that if we can't find it now we shouldn't have it. I miss quality. I love songs that I can sing in front of anyone. That's good music....