

The journey (a snippet)

In 07 something bad happened. Then in 08 I started my journey of self discovery which led me to books. It oddly started with me watching sex in the city every night. Carrie always said something that made sense. Like why is it that we ignore every perfect thing in life just because we don't have a boyfriend. My life is awesome but I want stunt having a boo would be cool. One night I'm flipping through the channels mind you this is my hobby. And I see Joel Osteen, had no clue who he was but he said something and I thought oh that cool. I listened to the whole show. Then I decided to read a book my friends had all been telling me to read. The Secret. My relationship with God and my learning about the law of attraction was one in the same. I started believing good things would happen and they did. I prayed about things I'd never prayed about before and things always fell into place. I'm human though I always try to make things into things when they're mostly nothing... in those cases I ask for forgiveness. I owrked my hardest to inspire everyone around me to dream big and follow their hearts. Some people just didn't wanna join me. Most people have no idea how positive I am lol that's sad. I get annoyed with complacent people and people who try too hard I make observations about things I don't like but in no way do I dwell on them.

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