

Real Housewives

Gurrl I know you saw it but I have to put my 2 sense in:

  1. Party planner?? He will never work again. I sure as hell wouldn't work with him
  2. Sheree and Nene made up! I love to see adults acting grown
  3. Kim starts a wig line??
  4. Why does Kim still have that synthetic ass wig did we not make fun of her all last year
  5. Kandi is the anti Toya. How the eff we're they in a group?
  6. Tiny sounds weird and Kandi speaks better than all them her accent isn't even strong
  7. Lisa & Ed look real make believe to me.
  8. Did I miss Kim's house or did she not rent one for the first episode?
  9. Is Bob really that bad?
  10. If so by all means lets cut his balls off.
  11. Dwight... already wonder if "his wife" is gonna make a cameo or 2.
  12. Watching Real Housewives with my mother was the best.
  13. Did Ed really sing don't be tardy for the party?
  14. Lisa pulled on that wig ya'll
  15. This season won't disappoint
  16. Riley is such a normal name
  17. Kandi fiance look suspect
  18. I want Kim to get better hair.
  19. I think she had a human hair wig on at the premiere party
  20. Who gon check me?

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