

Crazy mad stupit

  1. Men with sense don't really amuse me
  2. Make believe is not half as hilarious as real life
  3. There are so many other things I wanna blog but...
  4. Why does one person always love the other person more?
  5. No matter how equal we get love can never be 50/50
  6. I have a potty mouth
  7. Some dude from England found me on twitter... he likes the blog...stalker-ish but flattering because he's not ugly
  8. I think if your attractive your a fan but if your UGLY then you're a stalker
  9. I'm not a Ludacris fan...
  10. I don't like twitter I just use it to plug the blog
  11. Maybe just maybe if you really love the blog you should tell people about it
  12. I'm waiting to hear Nene Leakes on the radio.
  13. I'm going to blog anything funny about it
  14. Her book came out today I'm not buying that shit
  15. Some gossip site is gonna spill everything worth knowing

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