

I'm sorry Bitch

We all know I judge women glad that's clear.
I have a facebook "friend" who is ugly as hell but constantly talks about how fly she is. I don't think I'm Halle Berry but men love me so I know I'm not ugly. I just ponder why the ugliest lil jigga-boos always refer to themselves as fine and sexy and cutie pie. I don't call myself Ms. Sexy. Why do hood hoes always want to refer to themselves as Miss [include derogatory term]. That's pointless.
You don't see Beyonce calling herself Ms. Fine hips or some shit. Beyonce is cute but I don't crush on her.
Ignorant women get under my skin. Please stop taking pictures of all the items in your house. I am not impressed.


  1. for the same reason you just said "but men love (her)". Just like there are hundreds of dudes trying to fuck you, there are hundreds of dudes trying to fuck her. There's an easier way to go about life though.......STOP LOOKING at women, unless you're trying to fuck them. I don't know what's uglier, them or you going through all of their pictures talking about how ugly they are.

  2. I do have a life LOL! They show up on my mini feed idk how myspace works but on facebook you don't have to research people to see all their pix! SIR!

  3. but you do have to click them......ding dong, lol. I have facebook and every other social networking site in the land, they are all equally stupid.
