

The adventures of S-curl, Ponytail and Mohawk

While these are all hairstyles I deem gay they are also people.

I don't fuck short men... it's not my thing. I demand respect from them bitchs though.

Anyway... we met last year I ain't care to meet that bitch..

Light brights bother me too looking all pale and bitch made

So we're at the apartment and this nigga walks in and introduces himself to everyone except the girls, granted if I wasn't 504 and I met 2 504 ass girls I would be a little afraid but this punk had no manners or he was straight fag... so when I tell you I don't know dat bitch and I don't care... I mean he gets pumped in the butt and that's gay.


  1. You sound like a retard. Learn to speak English...
    Please read a book you ignorant jackass.

  2. It's sarcasm sir wouldn't expect you to understand!
